Wyandotte County has a talented and plentiful workforce!
Career Guide
This guide is intended to assist students who are considering their options for a meaningful career, to make a difference in their community, or to be able to support their long-term financial goals. Pulling data from several sources including in-person surveys with existing Wyandotte County companies, job posting data from JobsEQ, industry-specific data portals, and our partners on this project, we have developed this guide for teachers, counselors, and administrators. It provides an overview of high-impact industry career opportunities in the county. We have selected opportunities that provide an annual wage of more than $37,000, that have a level of job security and a bright long-term labor market outlook. While focused on Wyandotte County, these jobs are available throughout the Kansas City region.
Each listing gives an overview of the education needed for each career, the average regional wage for each profession and projected job growth. This guide does not attempt to cover every industry career, but highlights those we believe offer the strong opportunities in Wyandotte County. Click Here to Download
The Kansas City Metro area is home to greater than 2.1 million residents, including over 1.1 million possible workers. Those workers are talented and educated:
As a result, the Wyandotte County workforce has enjoyed an increasing median income and employment growth.
These factors, taken in combination with the growing business community, ensures Wyandotte County workers can find gainful employment in a variety of industries.
The following chart illustrates the number of workers and average wage they earned in the area. The healthcare sector is the largest employer in the county, followed by transportation and warehousing, manufacturing, and retail trade.