Find Available Sites and Buildings in Wyandotte County, KS!
April 11, 2022
WYEDC has a new economic development website where you can search for available sites and buildings in Wyandotte County. This online database will help those looking to find a property that best suits their business needs!
Our Property Search Tool Offers More Data
The information displayed by our property search tools provide more data than a traditional MLS. For example, you can apply heat maps and layers, view business data for the area surrounding the site and conduct a spatial search.
Available buildings and sites can be searched by square foot & acres respectively, name, and mileage to the closest airport or interstate. Each property listed has a comprehensive page with in-depth details including address, photos, interactive geographical map, square-foot & acres, sale price, property information, and demographics on the area where the properties are located. Find the perfect building or site in Wyandotte County, KS, for your business needs today!